Raidzap THIN, MEDIUM,THICK All in NON TOXIC 3 types of UV resin in Crystal clear surface, cures with any UV light and hard as a bullet proof rock. 3 types on the working in fly tying. The working time before itbegins to flow. Choose your type, choose your resin for fly tying.! Tack Free!
THIN for usea thin layer on small flies, coating wing cases or as head cement.!
MEDIUM forhandle most tasks on almost all flies.The most popular formula for building heads or bodies.!
THICK forbuilding large pike heads and glass bodies easily and quickly.!
Info from RaidZap about their formula
Raidzap UVresin is a non-toxic product There is no cause for concern or risk to ones health. The Raidzap formula is an extremely pure formula made from the purest raw materials, we run with NO! Epoxy. The only icon we are required to have on our bottles is the exclamation icon to let users know that some people can be allergic to our resin and it can irritate their skin or cause a rash (this is very rare, however we are required to declare this on our packaging in the law ). #wearethefirstinflytying
#Occupational Safety
Our UV resin has been prepared in compliance with Toxicological Risk Assessment report # 5118-334-0103A/B which determined that: the product is not considered to be toxic (acute/chronic), corrosive, and/or a strong sensitizer when used as intended or under circumstances involving reasonably foreseeable misuse.
The classification of hazards are as defined in the 16 CFR 1500.3(b)(5),(7)-(9) (FHSA regulations). Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): All ingredients are on the TSCA inventory and are exempt as per 40CFR723.50 Low Volume Exemption(LVE) and Low Environmental Release and Low Human Exposure Exemption (LoREX). SARA Title III: Section 304 CERCLA: Not listed. SARA Title III: Section 313 Toxic Chemical List (TCL): This product does NOT contain a toxic chemical for routine annual Toxic Chemical Release Reporting under Sec. 313. (40 CFR 372). Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Chemicals Act): None of the components of this formula are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
All ingredients are listed in TSCA (control substance for toxic substances) and DSL Domestic substance list.
Raidzap UVresin smell Raidzap UV Resin produces a very low smell, ( odor ) when you use the UV Resin. Some people dont even smell the UV Resin, and somebody does. Its important that what customers are smelling are not fumes. The UV Resin dosent create fumes like other resins. Many people notice that they dont have any skin irritation and no red skin ( on skin and face ), after using our UV Resin.